Friday, June 8, 2012

1 Week Down!

Thank goodness it's Friday and I get to sleep in tomorrow! Today is the last training day of my first week! It is still kinda surreal but I'm taking it one day & week at a time. I have weight trained the past 4 days and will weight train today as well. I have only done one day of cardio this week so I may use Sat & Sun to catch up on that.
I am pretty sore right now. On Tues one of the things I did was calf raises and boy oh boy do I feel it now! It had been a really long time since I REALLY worked my calves enough to make them sore. Maybe that's why I dont really have any! The past 2 days my husband has been training with me and helping me through my exercises.
I haven't actually told anyone that I am training for a figure competition. About 4 people to be exact, that include two friends, my mom, and yesterday, my dad. I'm not sure how my dad feels about it. He didn't say much but with both him and my mom I had to re-assure them that it is NOT bodybuilding & bulking.

What's the difference between Bikini, Figure & Bodybuilding??

In short, here is a little of what I've found of what the differences are in just my short time of researching:

-Bikini is mostly ages through 34, toned but not too defined. The competitions seem to be about sex appeal, sassy-ness, bling & divas!

-Figure competitors generally tend to carry more muscle than bikini competitors. "That is because as we age we lose the overall body fat that you see in younger gals. This layer of overall body fat is needed for the bikini competitors. They usually have a bit of a softer overall look because of that. Figure competitors, on the other hand, tend to get more lean, and therefore is typically a look that older competitors can more easily achieve."

-"currently the bikini genre has a bit of a "sassy" element. Figure is a bit more structured with its mandatory poses."

This is the type of posing done in Figure and you can see there is more muscle
than in the bikini

This is the muscle development for Bikini and the
type of posing, hense the sassy-ness!

While I think that Bikini is nice.... I just don't think it fits me to flaunt my sexyness! Hahaha! I'm a more structured kina gal. - Walk out, pose, turn, turn, turn, pose.... - I'm good with that!

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